Friday, August 13, 2010

Why yes, I do exist!

Hello nobody, my name is Kevin and I will be your blogger tonight. The reason I'm here doing this is simply because I can. A friend of mine has a blog on this website as well, so I decided "Let's go see what he's got." So I proceeded to find his blogging page and read through a few of them. I liked it, said "Hey, I have a keyboard and hours of free time, I should make a blog too!" So here I am, writing the first of possibly more than one.

So now that the obvious is out of the way, it's time to introduce myself. As I said, my name is Kevin. I'm 18 years old and am the typical teenager...scratch that, I'm a nerd. That's right, I'm a nerd. I play games like WoW and Dungeons & Dragons, have the tan line of a ghost, and an allergy to cats. I play a bit of guitar and absolutely love metal of all kinds. My favorite bands include Hammerfall, Motley Crue, and Blind Guardian.

I also have a girlfriend. To the people (and by people I mean no one) reading this, that wasn't a typo. I do, in fact, have a girlfriend. So you may ask yourself "How is that possible? Are you dying? Is she a computer?". The answers are, "It just is, no, and not to my knowledge". What may come as an even greater surprise is that she, much like myself, plays D&D. Yes there are girls that play it, and no you can't have one.

There is also one note you'll find about me that if you spend even a few seconds with me you'll notice. I have an obsession with Final Fantasy. I'm sure that line alone made the one person reading this close the page, but at the odd chance you stayed, allow me to explain. I like a good story. There you go, that's it. Everyone who says Final Fantasy is terrible because it doesn't have any freedom or you don't like the whole turn based fighting thing that's fine. I apologize that you have the attention span of a crack addicted 3 year old, but I'll save that rant for another blog.

Now if you're wondering what exactly I plan to blog about I'll keep it short. Anything an everything. Don't expect much consistency in the posts either. I just make a blog when I'm either bored or just feel inspired to talk about something. I'd also like to recommend my friend Mitch's blog at

Well that's all for now. See you when I see you

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