Thursday, August 19, 2010

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Well I warned you. Like I said, I am obsessed with Final Fantasy. So now I'm going to blog about a popular topic since 2005. A remake of Square Enix's most popular game in the franchise to date, Final Fantasy 7.

Would I like a remake? Sure why not. I mean, it's one of my favorite games ever made...ever. So why not play it again, and this time in HD! I'd personally play it again with the normal graphics. I don't really care if it's all polygons and crap, a fun game is a fun game. But saying all this, I almost don't want Square Enix to remake it. The reason? There's so much hype over it, everyone's looking forward to the biggest Final Fantasy game of the century, and we all expect perfection...sound familiar? I'm referring to Final Fantasy 13. Everyone thought it'd be great, that it was the "Revolution" for the final fantasy franchise. Well it was certainly something, and that something, was crap! That's right, I, a final fantasy fanatic, hate - no - despise a final fantasy game. Why? I wanted to play a game, not watch a movie and walk around for 80 hours. They basically took the PG out of RPG. So what the hell Square?! I don't want a "role" game, I wanted a game that actually had game in it. An auto-battle function, are you serious? It's like you decided that this one game needed about as much strategy as pong, with half the freaking action! What I'm getting at here, is simply this. If you're gonna remake 7, then do it right. Graphics upgrade, a few new little magics and monsters, and we'll all be happy. Don't fix what wasn't broken. Just make it pretty.  

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